Weather and climate

More than anywhere else in Australia, The edge of the world enjoys four distinctly different seasons, each with its own special pleasures. Locals and visitors alike enjoy the region’s temperate maritime climate.

Summer is a season of fun and festivities – the North West Coast’s cycling and running carnivals and the Melbourne to Stanley YachtRace with entertainment and celebration, with the taste of regional produce highlighting our wonderful food with a big edge of the world welcoming to the bluewater sailors at the end of their journey

Autumn is a mellow season with calm, sunny days. It’s the time when the native deciduous beech blazes with colour. Not to be outdone, the European trees are also a riot of red, orange and gold.

Winter is a dusting of snow on highland peaks and toasting your toes by an open fire. Winter days are often crisp, clear and bracing.

Spring is cool and fresh. Gardens around the region come to life as Tasmania celebrates with the Blooming Tasmania festival.

Rainfall varies dramatically across the State. Hobart, with an average of 626mm (24 inches) is Australia’s second-driest capital city (after Adelaide). While on the West Coast an annual average of 2400 mm (95 inches) ensures the rainforest thrives.

The edge of the world also boasts the most daylight hours of any other region during summer.

The edge of the world region revels in 15.2 hours of daylight at the summer solstice on 22 December. That’s two-and-a-half more hours of daylight than Darwin receives in summer and an hour more than Sydney enjoys.

The experts at the Launceston Planetarium (part of the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Launceston) say the day is even longer if twilight – the period before sunrise and after sunset when it is still light enough to carry out normal outdoor activities – is included. Of course in winter the edge of the world has less daylight than the mainland states and territories. We have just over nine hours, an hour less than Sydney and two hours and 20 minutes less than Darwin.

But that’s no reason not to come to Tassie in winter. Visitors are often surprised to find that winter is characterised by crisp blue skies and sparkling sunshine. Bring a jumper and enjoy the freshest air in the world (but that’s another story).

The minimal artificial light in Tasmania’s night sky means it is an exceptional location for viewing one of the wonders of the cosmos, the magnificent Aurora Australis.

Summer – December, January, February

Summer means miles of squeaking sand, long twilights, the white lace of surf, warm sun on your back, breezes from the sea, green light on fern fronds and insects buzzing over amber pools.

It’s the time to head for the beaches or bushwalk in the forests to cast a lure for trout, to explore the Arthur River by cruise boat. In the forests and on the coast wildflowers are blooming. The edge of the world’s gardens look their brightest in summer, and even the

Summer is a season of fun and festivities – the North West Coast’s cycling and running carnivals and the Melbourne to Stanley Yatch Race with entertainment and celebration, with the Taste of regional produce highlighting our wonderful food with a big edge of the world welcoming to the bluewater sailors at the end of the their journey.

  • Average high 21°C (70°F)
  • Average low 12°C (54°F)

Winter – June, July, August

Winter is a dusting of pure white on the farmer’s paddocks and car roof tops in the early hours of the morning, the clear light of a pale sun on a deserted beach – and later, the crackle of peppermint logs and the warm aroma of hot coffee.

Outdoors, it’s the season to have fun in the cool winter weather, stroll the quiet streets of an historic Stanley. Indoors it’s a perfect time to search for hidden treasures in a gallery, antique or art & craft shop, or to sample Tasmanian fare in a cosy restaurant. And while winter evenings are made for the glow of an open fire, winter days can be calm, clear, crisp and bracing – choose one of our wonderful short walks, pull on a warm jacket, then head outdoors and enjoy yourself!

  • Average high 12°C (54°F)
  • Average low 8°C (46°F)

Spring – September, October, November

Spring is cool, fresh and green, with drifts of daffodils in cottage gardens, a froth of blossoms in apple orchards, a blaze of wildflowers in forests and coastal heathlands, a wave of new-born animals in the countryside.

It’s the season for celebrating a new beginning as nature bursts into life. Around the State, Blooming Tasmania events celebrate spring with a program of festivities, Open Gardens, country trips, shows and exhibitions.

Spring is also the time to get ready for some trout fishing action, as the fish start biting again in our inland lakes and streams.

  • Average high 17°C (63°F)
  • Average low 8°C (46°F)

Autumn – March, April, May

In the country, the glassy water of rivers and estuaries reflects the gold and red of oaks, elms and chestnuts. By alpine lakes, deciduous native beech blazes with changing colour.

It is the time to enjoy a candlelit dinner then snuggle up by the fire. For a real treat, perhaps attend one of the superb cultural events at more than 30 venues around the state in the biannual 10 Days on the Island festival.

  • Average high 17°C (63°F)
  • Average low 9°C (48°F)

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